Persons with Extraordinary Ability (O-1A and O-1B Visas)

Platform Legal has a strong focus in Extraordinary Ability O-1 visas. If you have a United States employer, manager, or agent, and you are acclaimed in the motion picture and television industry, in the arts, in business, in the sciences, in athletics, or in education, we help you obtain a visa to pursue your talents in the United States. We help your key support personnel obtain an O-2 visa so they may continue to work alongside you, and we help your immediate relatives obtain O-3 visas so that they can join you.

The O-1A and O-1B are suitable for a diverse range of professions and oftentimes can provide a creative solution to the limitations of other non-immigrant visa categories. Adjudication times are generally just several months, and the government provides an option for expedited service that results in action on your case within 15 calendar days.

Those who qualify for an O-1A or O-1B visa sometimes meet the higher legal standard for the EB-1A Extraordinary Ability Green Card. If you qualify we can work with you to obtain permanent residency in the United States.

Australian Professionals (E-3 Visa)

If you are an Australian professional coming to the United States to work in your specialty occupation we help you obtain your visa. If you have a spouse we help them obtain work authorization, and we help your children obtain visas so that they can join you.

Investors and entrepreneurs (E-1 AND E-2 Visas)

If you want to start a business, buy a business, or conduct international trade in the United States, and you are a citizen of a country with which the United States has a specific treaty, we help you and your key employees obtain a visa to undertake your venture. If you have a spouse we help them obtain work authorization, and help your children obtain visas so that they can join you.


Employment Based Green Cards (EB-1A)

Platform Legal has a strong focus in the EB-1A Extraordinary Ability Green Card. The EB-1A is generally the fastest category to qualify under for an employment based Green Card. It has the enormous benefit of not requiring an employer to provide sponsorship. If you have reached the top of your profession in the arts, in business, in science, in education, or in athletics, we help you obtain a Green Card to pursue your talents in the United States, and we help your immediate relatives obtain Green Cards so that they can join you.

Adjustment of Status

If you are already in the United States on a non-immigrant visa, we work with you to adjust your status to Green Card holder, and help you obtain an employment and travel document so you can work and travel while you wait for your Green Card to arrive.

Consular Processing

If you are outside of the United States, or make the choice to process your approved Green Card application at a consular post overseas, we help by providing consular assistance and preparation so you are issued your Green Card.

“Rachel’s intimate knowledge of the visa process makes her the logical ‘go to’ attorney for our company. We are always thoroughly impressed by her efficient and professional manner. The forensic research she puts into testimonial letters cuts to the heart of the process and saves an enormous amount of time for our clients, whilst ensuring the very best outcome. We highly recommend her services.”